Crate seec

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§SEEC Executes Enormous Circuits

This framework implements secure 2-party secret-sharing-based multi party computation protocols. Currently, we implement the Boolean and arithmetic versions of GMW87 with multiplication triple preprocessing. Additionally, we implement the Boolean part of the ABY2.0 protocol.

§Secure Multi-Party Computation

In secure multi-party computation (MPC), there are n parties, each with their private input x_i. Given a public function f(x_1, …, x_n), the parties execute a protocol π that correctly and securely realizes the functionality f. In other words, at the end of the protocol, the parties know the output of f, but have no information about the input of the other parties other than what is revealed by the output itself. Currently, SEEC is limited to the n = 2 party case, also known as secure two-party computation. We hope to extend this in the future to n parties.


The two most prevalent security models are

  • semi-honest security, where an attacker can corrupt parties, but they follow the protocol as specified.
  • malicious security, where corrupted parties can arbitrarily deviate from the protocol.

SEEC currently only implements semi-honestly secure protocols (GMW, ABY2.0).

§Using SEEC

To use SEEC, you need a recent stable Rust toolchain (nightly on ARM1). The easiest way to install Rust is via the official toolchain installer rustup.

Create a new Rust project using cargo cargo new --bin seec-test, and add SEEC as a dependency to your Cargo.toml.

# in seec-test/Cargo.toml
seec = { git = "", features = ["..."]}

§Cargo features

  • “bench-api”: Enables the benchmarking API
  • “aby2”: Enables the ABY2 implementation
  • “silent-ot-quasi-cyclic”: Enables the Silent-OT QuasiCyclic code. depends on AVX2, therefore not platform independent.
  • “silent-ot”: Enables the Silent-OT codes from libOTe. These work on ARM.

The following annotated example of using SEEC is also located at crates/seec/examples/ You can run it using cargo run --example simple.

//! This example shows how to use the high-level Secret api to create a circuit and then
//! execute it with the messages being exchanged via Tcp.
//! Run the example via `cargo run --example`.
//! To view the logging output, set the environment variable `RUST_LOG` as specified
//! [here](
use std::time::Duration;

use anyhow::Result;
use bitvec::bitvec;
use bitvec::prelude::*;
use tokio::time::sleep;
use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;

use seec::channel::sub_channels_for;
use seec::circuit::{dyn_layers::Circuit, DefaultIdx, ExecutableCircuit};
use seec::executor::{Executor, Input, Message};
use seec::mul_triple::boolean::insecure_provider::InsecureMTProvider;
use seec::mul_triple::MTProvider;
use seec::protocols::boolean_gmw::BooleanGmw;
use seec::secret::inputs;
use seec::CircuitBuilder;

fn build_circuit() {
    // The `inputs` method is a convenience method to create n input gates for the circuit.
    // It returns a Vec<Secret>. In the following, we use try_into() to convert it into
    // an array to destructure it
    let [a, b, c, d]: [_; 4] = inputs::<DefaultIdx>(4).try_into().unwrap();
    // a,b,c,d are `Secret`s representing the output share of a gate. They support
    // the standard std::ops traits like BitAnd and BitXor (and their Assign variants) which
    // are used to implicitly build the circuit.

    // Creates a new Xor gate with the input of a and b. The output is a new Secret
    // representing the output of the new gate.
    let xor = a ^ b;
    // To use a Secret multiple times (connect to gate represented by it to multiple
    // different ones), simply use a reference to it (only possibile on the rhs).
    let and = c & &d;
    // we can still use d but not c
    let mut tmp = and ^ d;
    // BitAnd and BitXor are also supported, as is Not. See the Secret documentation for
    // all operations.
    tmp &= !xor;
    // `output()` consumes the Secret and creates a new Output gate with its output.
    // It returns the gate_id of the Output gate (this is usually not needed).
    let _out_gate_id = tmp.output();

#[tracing::instrument(skip(circuit), err)]
async fn party(circuit: Circuit, party_id: usize) -> Result<bool> {
    // Create a new insecure MTProvider. This will simply provide both parties with multiplication
    // triples consisting of zeros. The sha256 and trusted_party_mts examples show how to use
    // a trusted provider. This example also shows how to use dynamic dispatch for the MTProvider.
    let mt_provider: Box<dyn MTProvider<Output = _, Error = _> + Send> =
    // Create a new Executor for the circuit. It's important that the party_id is either 0 or 1,
    // as otherwise wrong results might be computed. In the future, there might be support for more
    // than two parties
    let exec_circuit = ExecutableCircuit::DynLayers(circuit);
    let mut executor = Executor::<BooleanGmw, _>::new(&exec_circuit, party_id, mt_provider).await?;

    // Create inputs as a BitVector. The inputs will be used for the input gate with the
    // corresponding index.
    let inputs = bitvec![usize, Lsb0; 0, 1, 1, 0];
    // `circuit.input_count()` input count can be used to determine how big the input should be
    assert_eq!(exec_circuit.input_count(), inputs.len());

    // When using the Tcp transport, one party is essentially a server and needs to `listen` for
    // new connections. The other party then `connect`s to it. If party 1 connects before party 0
    // listens, an error will be returned.
    let (mut sender, _bytes_written, mut receiver, _bytes_read) = match party_id {
        0 => seec_channel::tcp::listen("").await?,
        1 => seec_channel::tcp::connect("").await?,
        illegal => anyhow::bail!("Illegal party id {illegal}. Must be 0 or 1."),

    let (mut sender, mut receiver) =
        sub_channels_for!(&mut sender, &mut receiver, 8, Message<BooleanGmw>).await?;
    // Execute the circuit and await its result (in the form of a BitVec)
    let output = executor
        .execute(Input::Scalar(inputs), &mut sender, &mut receiver)

    assert_eq!(exec_circuit.output_count(), output.len());
    // As there is only one output gate, we simply return the first element

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Initialize logging, see top of file for instructions on how to get output.

    // Create the Circuit. The operations on the Secret will use a lazily initialized
    // global CircuitBuilder from which we can get the constructed Circuit
    // Save the circuit in .dot format for easy inspection and debugging
    // circuit.lock().save_dot("examples/")?;
    // In an actual setting, we would have two parties on different hosts, each constructing the
    // same circuit and evaluating it. To simulate that, we convert the shared Circuit into
    // an owned Circuit and clone it. The conversion will fail if there are any outstanding clones
    // of the SharedCircuit, e.g. when there are Secrets still alive.
    // Each party has their own but identical circuit.
    let circuit_party_0: Circuit = CircuitBuilder::global_into_circuit();
    let circuit_party_1 = circuit_party_0.clone();
    // Spawn separate tasks for each party
    let party0 = tokio::spawn(async { party(circuit_party_0, 0).await.unwrap() });
    // Sleep a little to ensure the server is started. In practice party 1 should retry the
    // connection
    let party1 = tokio::spawn(async { party(circuit_party_1, 1).await.unwrap() });
    // Join the handles returned by tokio::spawn to wait for the completion of the protocol
    let (out_0, out_1) = tokio::try_join!(party0, party1)?;
    // Xor the individual shares to get the final output
    let out = out_0 ^ out_1;
    println!("Output of the circuit: {out}");

  1. If you are on an ARM platform, you need to install a recent nightly toolchain. After installing, we advise to issue rustup override set nightly in the top-level directory. 



  • Insecure Benchmarking API - Do not use in Production!
  • Circuit builder and executable circuit types.
  • Common type aliases.
  • Error types used in SEEC.
  • Executor for a generic protocol.
  • Multiplication triples and providers.
  • Parses for different circuit formats (Bristol/FUSE).
  • High-level Secret API to construct a circuit.

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