pub fn inputs<Idx: GateIdx>(inputs: usize) -> Vec<Secret<BooleanGmw, Idx>>
Examples found in repository?
crates/seec/examples/ (line 177)
170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182
fn base64_string_to_input(
input: &str,
duplication_factor: usize,
) -> (BitVec<usize>, Vec<[Secret; 8]>) {
let decoded = BASE64_STANDARD.decode(input).expect("Decode base64 input");
let duplicated = decoded.repeat(duplication_factor);
let shares = (0..duplicated.len())
.map(|_| inputs(8).try_into().unwrap())
let input = BitVec::from_vec(duplicated);
let input = BitVec::from_iter(input);
(input, shares)
More examples
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fn base64_string_to_input(
input: &str,
duplication_factor: usize,
) -> (BitVec<usize>, Vec<[Secret; 8]>) {
let decoded = BASE64_STANDARD.decode(input).expect("Decode base64 input");
let duplicated = decoded.repeat(duplication_factor);
let shares = (0..duplicated.len())
.map(|_| inputs(8).try_into().unwrap())
let input = BitVec::from_vec(duplicated);
let input = BitVec::from_iter(input);
(input, shares)
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382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406
fn build_enc_circuit(
data_size_bits: usize,
use_sc: bool,
) -> Result<ExecutableCircuit<bool, BooleanGate, usize>> {
data_size_bits % 128,
"data_size must be multiple of 128 bits"
let key_size = 128;
let iv_size = 128;
let key = inputs(key_size);
let iv = inputs(iv_size);
let data = inputs(data_size_bits);
let mut chaining_state = iv;
.for_each(|chunk| aes_cbc_chunk(&key, chunk, &mut chaining_state, use_sc));
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fn main() {
let input_shares = inputs(8);
let and_outputs = input_shares
.fold(vec![], |mut acc, input_chunk| {
let output = and_sc(input_chunk);
let or_out = or_sc(&and_outputs);
(or_out ^ false).output();
let circuit: Circuit<bool, BooleanGate, DefaultIdx> = CircuitBuilder::global_into_circuit();
let layer_iter = CircuitLayerIter::new(&circuit);
for layer in layer_iter {
// let circuit = circuit.into_base_circuit();
// eprintln!("into base");
// circuit.save_dot("").unwrap();
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fn build_circuit() {
// The `inputs` method is a convenience method to create n input gates for the circuit.
// It returns a Vec<Secret>. In the following, we use try_into() to convert it into
// an array to destructure it
let [a, b, c, d]: [_; 4] = inputs::<DefaultIdx>(4).try_into().unwrap();
// a,b,c,d are `Secret`s representing the output share of a gate. They support
// the standard std::ops traits like BitAnd and BitXor (and their Assign variants) which
// are used to implicitly build the circuit.
// Creates a new Xor gate with the input of a and b. The output is a new Secret
// representing the output of the new gate.
let xor = a ^ b;
// To use a Secret multiple times (connect to gate represented by it to multiple
// different ones), simply use a reference to it (only possibile on the rhs).
let and = c & &d;
// we can still use d but not c
let mut tmp = and ^ d;
// BitAnd and BitXor are also supported, as is Not. See the Secret documentation for
// all operations.
tmp &= !xor;
// `output()` consumes the Secret and creates a new Output gate with its output.
// It returns the gate_id of the Output gate (this is usually not needed).
let _out_gate_id = tmp.output();
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fn compile(compile_args: CompileArgs) -> Result<()> {
let load = match compile_args.simd {
Some(_) => Load::SubCircuit,
None => Load::Circuit,
let mut bc: BaseCircuit = BaseCircuit::load_bristol(&compile_args.circuit, load)
.expect("failed to load bristol circuit");
let mut circ = match compile_args.simd {
Some(size) => {
let circ_input_size = bc.sub_circuit_input_count();
let inputs = inputs::<u32>(circ_input_size);
let bc = bc.into_shared();
let (output, circ_id) = CircuitBuilder::with_global(|builder| {
let circ_id = builder.push_circuit(bc);
let output = builder.connect_sub_circuit(&inputs, circ_id);
(output, circ_id)
let main = output.connect_to_main(circ_id);
main.iter().for_each(|s| {
let circ = CircuitBuilder::global_into_circuit();
None => ExecutableCircuit::DynLayers(bc.into()),
if !compile_args.dyn_layers {
circ = circ.precompute_layers();
let out =
BufWriter::new(File::create(&compile_args.output).context("failed to create output file")?);
bincode::serialize_into(out, &circ).context("failed to serialize circuit")?;